Complex data processing made easy

Artificial Intelligence

Presentation Request demo

About us

Learn why we created the application

Knowledge Values has extensive experience with structuring the business logic of large corporations and making this logic usable as knowledge applications. Match™ Data Processor builds upon this expertise by allowing data to be analysed, cleaned, and transformed using the same logic-based approach. We believe a logic-based approach to data processing has unique benefits, such as understandability and 100% accuracy, in comparison to the currently popular statistical machine learning approaches in the market.

Well-structured & 100% accurate

Match™ Data Processor employs a unique logic-based approach to data processing. The data processing logic is well-structured and mathematically guaranteed to be consistent, complete and 100% accurate.

Easy to understand & adapt

The data processing logic is represented in the business language. Its understandability makes changes and validation easy without requiring code.

Compliant with full traceability

The logical approach to data processing makes decisions fully traceable. Compliance is demonstrable through easily generated explanations.

How it works

Learn how it works in 4 steps


Data input

Data that needs to be transformed or validated is provided as input.


Data processor

The data processor performs complex data validations and transformations.


Data output

The output data can be exported directly to databases or generated as output files.



Gain new business insights and realize further improvements using the interactive dasboard.


See what the Dataprocessor is made of


  • Define reusable data processing jobs, including input definition, data transformation logic, variable mapping, and output definition.
  • Automatically map the data variables from the input data to the data variables in the transformation logic.
  • Analyze relationships between variables and outcomes, and visualize them via interactive graphs and charts.


  • Fully control which individuals, offices or departments can access specific processing applications, using integrated identity and access management.


  • Access the web-based Match™ Data Processor any time anywhere.
  • Generated output files in different formats (such as .pfd/.xml/.csv or text based files)
  • Retrieve input data and send output data directly via FTP, SFTP or database connections.


  • Automatically verify the mathematical correctness, completeness and consistency of the data processing logic using the internal integrity checker, to ensure compliance with ISO standards.
  • Save and document each step in a data processing job, ensuring complete traceability for auditing purposes.

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For more information, contact us!

Herikerbergweg 242
1101CT Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 - 705 9561